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Kosovo ambassador to talk at law school

Ambassador Teuta Sahatqija from Kosovo will speak on “The Leadership Roles of Women in Transitional States” at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14 at the law school. The talk is free and open to the public.


Sahatqija is head of the Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Kosovo in New York City, where she is in charge of the Kosovo Consulate and liaison with the United Nations.

She is a well-known activist for women’s economic and political empowerment and her work has been documented in many international publications.


The ambassador’s presentation will focus on gender equality and women’s roles in politics, business, culture and diplomacy. She will analyze female empowerment and leadership in countries that are transitioning to stable democratic states, like Kosovo, and examine the ways women can use this time of transition to their benefit.


Hosted by the Center for Democratic Governance and Rule of Law, Sahatqija’s talk is part of her visit to Ohio Northern from March 13-15. During her time on campus, the ambassador will also meet with several Kosovar law professors who are currently enrolled in ONU Law’s LL.M. in Democratic Governance and Rule of Law program as well as its Legal Pedagogy Certificate program. Sahatqija will also observe LL.M. classes and meet with ONU faculty members.


The pedagogy program for Kosovar law professors is funded through a grant from the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.


Prior to her appointment as ambassador, Sahatqija was a member of Kosovo Parliament from her first mandate in 2004, and she most recently served as the chair of the Parliamentary Committee on European Integration. Sahatqija has extensive political experience, including her most recent role as the vice president of Democratic League of Kosovo.



The ambassador holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in electronics and telecommunication engineering from the University of Pristina in Kosovo. She has also received a graduate certificate after completing the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program at Dartmouth College in the United States