The fifth annual Ada Academic and Music Boosters purse and jewelry fundraiser will be held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 19, in McIntosh Center. Admission tickets are $25 presale or $30 at the door.
Admission tickets include a bingo card and paddle, hors d'oeuvres and beverages, 15 bingo games for purses, quarter auctions, live auctions, raffle gifts, a wristlets game with $100 cash to the winner and a Bulldog Bundle full of gift cards from area businesses.
Tickets may be purchased by contacting a Booster officer or Tracie Amburgey at (419)235-8162. Table of 8 may be reserved when purchased together. Seating is limited to 300 guests. Ballroom doors open at 1:00 p.m.
If you are unable to attend on Feb. 19, consider purchasing a Michael Kors purse-wallet- or $25 cash raffle tickets at $1 per ticket, or $5 for 6 tickets . You do not need to be present to win. First prize is a Michael Kors purse valued at $300, 2nd prize is a Michael Kors Wristlet and 3rd prize is $25 cash.