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The Icons partner with Ohio Means Jobs

Classified Ad page will list all job openings within 10 miles of Ada and Bluffton

Ada and Bluffton Icon are partnering with Ohio Means Jobs,  a program of Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.

Both Icons will list current job openings within a 10-mile radius of Ada and Bluffton. These listings are on the Icon Classified/Display Ad Page.

Here is a description of services offered by Department of Job and Family Services:

OWD provides information and tools to Ohio's workforce system. We interpret federal and state law and serve as primary policy-makers for workforce programs. The office administers federal programs that create a comprehensive statewide workforce system of employment services; hiring support and tax credits; and labor market information to employers and workers.
We support Ohio's Workforce Investment Boards in operating OhioMeansJobs Centers, a single location to access employment and supportive services from federal, state, and local partners.        

OWD also assists job seekers through, an online job matching system that brings both employers and job seekers to one easy-to-use website.

The Workforce Investment Act programs includes the Dislocated Worker Program which assists laid-off employees in obtaining new jobs with comparable wages; Adult Programs that help eligible Ohioans find and retain meaningful employment; and as a clearinghouse of information for Ohio's Youth on innovative programs that foster leadership, work experience, and literacy to prepare youth for careers.

We track, manage, and report state and local performance data.

We partner with the Ohio Board of Regents, Ohio Development Services Agency, the Governor’s Office and the U.S. Department of Labor. Working together, we can maximize our state and federal resources to advance our workforce and our economy.
Visit our page to view additional OWD Programs.   
For More Information:
Office of Workforce Development
P.O. Box 1618
Columbus, Ohio 43216-1618
Fax: 614-728-8366
Phone: 1-888-296-7541, Option # 3
Email: [email protected]
