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Ada Village Council meeting notes

A proposed cell tower, dog park planning, and the football drop schedule were discussed at Ada Village council meeting on Tuesday night in the city building.
Verizon is interested in constructing a cell tower on village property and may pay the Village about $10,000 a year to do so.
Council agreed to pursue the idea further. It will probably be discussed for a long time before contracts are signed. The location has not been decided, among other issues.
Jimmy Wilson talked with council about the proposed dog park. It is likely that local residents and interested ONU students will be invited to a public meeting to discuss the matter and find out who is interested in serving on a committee to move the project along. Council encouraged Prof. Wilson to proceed.
Amy Eddings described plans for the Made in Ada Wilson Football Festival to be held on campus and downtown on the eve of the Super Bowl. Council members liked the plans, which have been reported previously in the Ada Icon.
