Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
ReStore served up turkey, ham, and all of the trimmings to 168 diners during their annual Thanksgiving dinner Tuesday at their community center at 210 N. Main.
The food as prepared by Team Turkey (Anita Dearth and friends) and paid for by the Ada Lions Club.
Thanksgiving at ReStore is a time for all to have a wonderful meal and socialize with friends and neighbors in the community.
• Connie and Roger Guyton ask, "Ham, turkey or some of both," as they serve Anita Dearth, Team Turkey head cook, and Rob Kanzig, leader of ReStore, at the annual Thanksgiving dinner.
• Alice Cheney (right) goes through the serving line at ReStore. In addition to turkey and ham, there were many side dishes to choose from. The annual Thanksgiving dinner provides not only a time to have a good meal, but also an opportunity to visit friends, young and old.