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ONU Musical Theatre Class performs Saturday at Viva Maria's

The ONU musical theatre class of 2017 will perform at Viva Maria's at 6:30 p.m., Saturday, according to Madeleine Gish, of the group.

"The musical theatre class of 2017 is made up of six students. It was originally only five of us including Molly Moreau, Josh Heard, Katie Hotz, Lani Coleman, and myself," said Gish.

"Because our class was so small we became a close-knit group from the beginning. Over the past few years we have grown in all aspects of our lives from how we perform to who we are as people."

She continues: "Our theme of Turning the Page represents our journey through college and how once we leave we will be starting a new chapter of our lives. Nick Sobotka will join the class of in our capstone, because he has chosen to graduate early."

As a group we have developed the capstone we will showcase Saturday. The type of music to be performed ranges from contemporary musical theatre to pop music you can hear on the radio.

The show includes group numbers, duets, and solos with a 10-minute intermission.
