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Meet Meghan Harmon, second grade teacher

"I hope all of my students leave me this year not afraid to try something new or afraid to make a mistake."

By Darlene Bowers
Welcome to the Ada Icon’s “Ada Teacher Feature.” Here we share thoughts and insights from local teachers who lift up and inspire our students. Let us lift up and inspire these educators as well. Today we meet Meghan Harmon.

Hands on learning, arts and crafts at heart, and the power of “yet” all create one fabulous mix in this second grade teacher with a passion for helping others and making a difference with hard work and practice.  Meghan Harmon teaches lessons we all can use.

Meghan Harmon

What grade are you teaching?
I teach second grade.

What degrees do you hold?
Miami Trace High School  ’08
BA in Early Childhood Education from Ohio Northern University ’12
Reading Endorsement from Bowling Green State University ‘14
M.Ed. in Special Education with a Specialization in Autism Spectrum Disorders  from Bowling Green State University ‘16

How long in teaching profession?
This is my fourth year teaching and my second year at Ada.

Why are you a teacher?
Growing up I always wanted to help others. As I got older, I knew I wanted to help make a difference, and by being a teacher, I could do exactly that. Helping a child reach goals they thought impossible and helping them develop a passion for learning is what makes teaching so special.

What’s the best thing students can do for you?
I always encourage my students to try their best. Our focus this year is on the power of yet. I hope all of my students leave me this year not afraid to try something new or afraid to make a mistake.  I hope all of my students leave second grade with the understanding that if they cannot meet a goal or achieve something that their friends can, there is power in the word yet. They may not be able to achieve that goal YET… but one day, with hard work and practice, they will!

What’s the best thing parents and caregivers can do for you?
A parent is a child’s biggest cheerleader. Please encourage your child to never give up and to always try their best!

What makes Ada schools unique or different?
Ada has a strong sense of community. I love being able to talk to teachers across grade levels and feel that although we do not teach the same grade or subject, we have a common goal for our students.

Share with us your best teaching moment.
When students have that ah-hah moment! After working hard or struggling through a concept, seeing a student have that magical moment means everything.

What excites, interests and captivates you inside the classroom?
I love making learning hands-on for my students! Check out our Facebook Page to see what’s happening in our classroom: Miss Harmon’s Second Grade Superstars.

How about outside the classroom?
Spending time with my fiancé and our puppy! We love being outdoors and enjoy camping during the summer. I also love going to new restaurants/ trying new food.

If you weren’t a teacher what would you do/be doing?
If I wasn’t teaching I would have a job that involved arts and crafts!
