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Led by Calvin Fisher - ReStore's summer meal total for kids will reach nearly 1,500

By Monty Siekerman
Since school let out in the spring, Calvin Fisher has headed up the free lunch program for children sponsored by ReStore Community Center and held at War Memorial Park.

The 5-day-a-week summer program will come to a close on Friday, Aug. 12 with a pizza lunch and free swimming from noon to 1 p.m.

Here, Calvin takes tickets from children as he calls out their number. The kids then have an opportunity to choose a free prize. This has been done each Friday.

When all is said and done, the ReStore program, led by Calvin, will have served about 1,500 meals.

Lunches are served Monday through Friday with Friday being a special day: always pizza (cheese pizza is the favorite), perhaps an invited guest there to make a demonstration (police, fire, EMT), followed by water games.
