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Wind Orchestra to perform ‘Setting the Standard: British Wind Band Music’


 The Ohio Northern University Wind Orchestra will perform “Setting the Standard: British Wind Band Music” in the Freed Center for the Performing Arts on Sunday, Oct. 21, at 4 p.m.

The Wind Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. Thomas Hunt, chair of the Department of Music, will perform the music of Percy Grainger, Gustav Holst, Philip Sparkes and Guy Woolfenden. The performance will feature a clarinet solo by Elizabeth Druesedow, a sophomore accounting major from Sharon Center, Ohio, and student conducting from Jeffrey Martin, a senior music education major from Cincinnati, Ohio, and Samantha Riedlinger, a senior music education major from Sycamore, Ohio.

Performing the older wind band standards on our first concert, especially the Holst and Grainger selections, establishes the tone for the rest of the year.” Hunt said. “These pieces represent the foundation upon which later wind band composers will build. Philip Sparke’s recent composition, ‘The Year of Dragon,’ a very exciting three-movement work that closes our program, demonstrates this with clarity.”

Tickets can be ordered by calling 419-772-1900 or by visiting ONU faculty and staff may attend music department events hosted by the Freed Center at no cost.