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Jumbo Junior Farmers 4-H Club thinking about the county fair

Jumbo Junior Farmers 4-H Club met on July 11, 2016 for their seventh meeting of the year.  The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Evan Lyle followed by the 4-H Pledge led by Skye Shaffer.  Roll call was answered with favorite animal by 15 members with 2 advisors and 4 parents/guests present.  

In old business, 4-H Camp this week starting on Wednesday. The club has several members who will attend.  The open house for the township hall was a success over the weekend!  Thanks to all of the volunteers to sweep the barns, make cookies and clean up during the event.  T-shirts were handed out to the members who ordered them.

In new business, the club voted to apply to take care of a garden at The Hardin County Fair during 2017. There was a reminder that Ag-Still projects need to be done and members need to be signed up for judging on July 19th.  During the next meeting, fair entry forms will be completed.

The next meeting will be July 25 at 7:00 PM at the McDonald Township Hall. Jake Bushong will have an environmental report at the meeting.  Drew Stephens will bring snacks and Avery and Asher Bridenstine will bring drinks.
