What a different one year makes.
Phil Epley reports that Liberty Township had 4.53 inches of rain in June. That's not even close to last year.
Remember June 2015? Liberty Township registered 13.43 inches.
Hardin County Extension Office rainfall reporters recorded an average of 5.81 inches of rain in June.
Last year, the average rainfall for June was 10.99 inches. Rainfall for June was 0.61 inches more than for the 10-year average rainfall in the month of June.
For the growing season since April 15, the average precipitation in all the townships was 10.54 inches, with a wide range from 7.57 inches in McDonald Township to 13.55 inches in Hale Township.
Ag field observations
June started out dry until two rain events hit Hardin County late in the month according to Mark Badertscher, Extension agent.
Some fields experienced ponding and flooding in low areas, areas with compaction, and other hard to drain soils. Crops in these areas have been destroyed or stunted due to drowning out smaller plants and root systems where water has laid for more than two days.
Most corn has had nitrogen side-dressed, and some soybean fields are getting additional herbicide applications to control weeds.
Wheat harvest is complete, with high yields, good test weights, and better grain quality compared to last year. Much straw has been baled or is being baled.
Soil conditions now have dried out, causing some farmers to decide against double cropping soybeans into wheat stubble.
Oats are starting to mature and rye planted for seed will soon be harvested. Second cutting of hay is done, and some producers will soon be taking a third cutting.