Ada High School junior, Melina Woods, recently competed in the AAU National Volleyball Tournament at the ESPN Wide World of Sports in Orlando, Florida. She and her teammates from Elite Volleyball Training Center in Plain City, Ohio, placed third out of 114 teams.
Woods and her teammates from 16 Elite Black made it to the semi-finals with a 12-0 record before falling in three sets to the eventual champions from Nebraska.
In four days of play, 16 Elite Black defeated teams from Texas, Washington, South Carolina, California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and South Dakota.
Team coach and club owner, Randy Cline, ssaid, “These young ladies have worked hard since November to play the level of volleyball needed to compete at the premier level. I’m proud of their focus, their determination, and their dedication to the game.”
Woods is the daughter of Dexter and Melanie Woods of Ada.