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Ada third graders celebrate Arbor Day with village officials

By Monty Siekerman

Ada third graders would be winners of a "Jeopardy" show with the category "Trees." Angela Pokachek taught them well.

In recognition of National Arbor Day on Friday, members of the Ada tree commission asked the students several questions:

• Who founded National Arbor Day?
• When?
• Where?

The youngsters raised their hands before the questions were even completed. Their answers were correct.

Angela, assistant village administrator and a tree commission member, talked with the three third classes the day before about the special day and the value and care of trees.

So, when the commissioners arrived on Friday, the youngsters knew all of the answers. Impressive.

But the ceremony at the school was much more than answering questions.

Scott Allison of the Kiwanis Club presented a check for $500 to Donald Traxler, chair of the commission, to be spent on trees in the community.

Commission members presented dawn redwood saplings to each child to take home, plant, and watch grow. 

This tree, which lived during the dinosaur age, was thought to be extinct, but was found living in a small area of China in the 1940s. It became popular and is now grown in many areas, including Ada.

Several students recited a poem. Mayor Dave Retterer read a proclamation designating the day as Arbor Day.

The children were shown the Tree City USA flag that the community has received for 35 consecutive years, and the Tree Campus USA flag earned by ONU for their efforts.

The event ended with the announcement of art contest winners, who each received a book about trees. This is a personal project that Dave Retterer began several years ago.

Again this year, he was impressed with all of the students' drawings, citing why he chose each winner. Winners were:

First, Josh Arnett
Second, Aidra Preston
Third, Ty Mowery
Fourth, Ethan D'Souza

The Arbor Day event ended with the feeling that the children were excited about trees, and the members of the tree commission were pleased with all that transpired.

• Scott Allison (right) of Kiwanis and Don Traxler of Ada tree commission.
• Pictured, from left, Angela Polachek, Dave Retterer, Norm Rex.
• Students recite "Trees of the Fragrant Forest."
