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Prom, Hawaiian dance, soccer shoot-out and more at Ada HS

Here's the latest from the Ada school website:

GIRLS VARISTY SOCCER PLAYERS pick up a registration form for the ONU Soccer Camp from Coach Hunt. The completed form and $25 fee is due on April 27.

BACCALAUREATE SERVICE: Thursday, May 19th at 7:00 pm at the ONU Chapel. Seniors: We need your senior picture and baby pictures of everyone for a slide show if you want your pictures to be a part of the slide show. Please email pictures to Angela Simon at rsimon@centurylink,net no later than May 1st. Again pictures deadline is May 1st, 2016. Also, we need some seniors to do scripture readings. If you are interested, please let Mrs. Veltri know.

The Kenton Hardin Health Department is coming to Ada Schools to administer all required vaccines for the 2016-2017 school year. The Meningitis vaccine is mandatory for all students entering 7th and 12th grades in the fall. A Tetanus booster is also needed for all future 7th graders.
The Health Dept. has set up a clinic on Tuesday, April 26th, at Ada Schools, to give these mandatory immunizations. All completed forms must be returned to the school by Tuesday, April 12th. If you need a form, please see Mrs. Vermillion, our school nurse.

ATTENTIONS JUNIORS & SENIORS: Prom Quest Request Forms are available in the high school office. Students are allowed to bring a guest from outside of our school or alumni to high school activities providing that arrangements are made in advance. Pick up a guest request form in the office if you want to bring a guest from outside to the school Prom or After Prom. Fill out the information and return the completed form to the office by April 29th by 3:30 pm.

HAWAIIAN DANCE PARTY for 6-7-8 Graders: Saturday, April 30, 2016 at 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm at the Hardin County Family YMCA. Contest for best Surfer Dude/Dudette. Brightest Shirt & Hula! Music, games, door prizes, photo-booth and refreshments. $1.00 at the door or Free Admission with Early Sign-up at the YMCA! Sponsored by Kenton Elk’s Drug Awareness Program. Call the high school office at 419-634-2746 for any questions.

SOCCER SHOOT-OUT: Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm. U8 (4-7) U10 (8-9) (10-11) U14 (12-13). Location will be Corner Kick Soccer Complex ST 292 south of Kenton. FREE!- Open to Hardin County boys and girls.Trophies to top two boys and girls in each age bracket. Questions ? call Julie Crowe at 419-673-8035

GIRL SCOUTS: Summer Camp July 11-15, 2016 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Please stop in the high school office for a flyer.


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