Apollo Career Center will hold its fourth annual Apollopalooza on Thursday, April 14, 5:30-7 p.m.
Apollopalooza will showcase both the high school and adult education programs, celebrate the center's 40 year anniversary, and open more of the renovated campus to the public. The event is free and open to the public.
“Because Apollo is not a traditional high school or college, and because adults and high school students are being trained during the day and evening, Apollo is opening up the building, for the public to see and experience what Apollo students learn everyday,” said Dana Dukes-Norton, district communications manager.
For 40 years, Apollo has provided workforce development to thousands of adult and high school students. The training and programs offered, as well as the equipment and technology used, has changed dramatically since the doors opened to the first classes.
According to Apollo Superintendent Judy Wells, many alumni have inquired about coming back and re-connecting with Apollo, classmates and instructors. This event allows Apollo graduates to do that, and also gives them an opportunity to see how their programs have changed since they attended, particularly since a large part of the construction and renovation project will be open.
To learn more about the specific activities at Apollopalooza, including an Alumni VIP Room, Biggby coffee, helpful seminars and how-to sessions, visit ApolloCareerCenter.com or connect with Apollo on social media.