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Observations, insights and sightings: What the Ada Icon means to Ada

By Monty Siekerman
As I see it, Fred Steiner is an Innovator.

He began The Ada Icon a mere four years ago. In that short time, his efforts at founding this online means of communication garnered him and his wife Mary the award Business of the Year in Ada.

He accomplished that feat without being here 50 or 100 years. It took less than four years. Why?

Because The Ada Icon (and The Bluffton Icon, too) are effective in many ways.

The Icons build a sense of community in a village. People often report to me, "I didn't know all of that was happening in Ada."

This village is only about one square mile in size, but much goes on here.

With the Ada Icon, local residents know what is occurring...and  a lot does happen here. Businesses come and go. Government and schools make news. Civic clubs, the community center, the library, and others sponsor many activities, which are fun and educational, for all ages.

ONU students, faculty, and staff have a positive effect on the community from trimming shrubs at the park, to raking leaves for widows, to presenting health information...their contributions are endless.

They even plunge into frigid water to raise money for the American Red Cross.
Nowadays, much of their good work is reported in The Ada Icon for all to participate in. And, The Icon gives credit to leaders for their efforts.

Fred's style of management is: give the reporters/photographers freedom. He would have made it big in Silicon Valley where freedom and innovation go hand in hand, making some of those companies the most valuable in the world.

But Fred and Mary chose to live and work in the small towns of Ada and Bluffton, bringing their good ideas, Christian faith, hard work, and innovation to us here. The Chamber recognized this and honored them for their efforts.

To Fred and the Chamber: well done.
[email protected]
