By Darlene Bowers
Welcome to the Ada Icon’s “Ada Teacher Feature.”
Here we share thoughts and insights from local teachers who lift up and inspire our students. Let us lift up and inspire these educators as well. Today we meet Barth Montel, a 20-year Ada educator.
As you get to know Barth from his responses, it’s easy to hear his passion. American industrialist Lee Iacocca said, “In a completely rational society, the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something less.”
Barth Montel is certainly one of the best. Thanks, Barth, for your time and dedication to our students. May your passion be contagious.
Subjects and grades currently teaching.
I'm teaching in the computer lab, grades K-6.
Extracurricular activities, groups, clubs, sports with which you are involved.
I am a substitute bus driver, a member of the District Leadership Team, and a member of the Ada Local Professional development committee.
Outside of school, I'm a member of Pleasantview Church of the Brethren and member of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Degrees earned and from which institutions.
Mt. Morris High School, Ill.; Manchester College, North Manchester, Ind. (undergrad); University of Findlay (grad)
How long in teaching profession?
Completing my 25th year this year with five in Indianapolis and 20 in Ada.
Why are you a teacher?
I love being with people, and what better people to work with than kids.
What motivates you?
In terms of teaching, I am most motivated by seeing kids loving what they are learning.
What’s the best advice you give students?
Don't be afraid to try or fail.
What’s the best advice you can give parents and caregivers?
Let your kids try and sometimes fail...they'll learn from their mistakes and be stronger for it.
What’s the best thing students can do for you?
I've never really thought about this question, but the first idea that comes to me an active learner.
I love when students have questions about what we're working on and make leaps in their thinking to enhance the lesson. Oftentimes, classes make great growth when there are great questions.
What’s the best thing parents andcaregivers can do for you?
Parents can be most helpful to their kids by asking them a lot questions. Oftentimes it's easier to tell your child how to do something or do it for them, but with a good amount of patience and a good line of questioning, children will learn much more.
Also, don't be afraid to let your child struggle with a problem. If everything comes easily to your child, what will happen when he is presented with a real difficult problem in life?
What makes Ada schools unique or different?
When I started teaching at Ada, I took a significant pay cut, but I had significantly fewer discipline problems. Here at Ada, we are blessed to have outstanding kids. Having been somewhere else, I know that there are much more difficult places to teach. So, I would say that Ada is unique because of our outstanding kids.
Best or most memorable teaching moment?
One of my most memorable moments was a learning moment for me. I was taking a continuing education class from OSU that pertained to mathematics. The professor told us to ask a specific question about fractions to our students to see if the students had a good understanding about the lesson.
I was pretty sure that I had taught this lesson well - fractions equal to 1. So after teaching my lesson, I asked the students which of the fractions listed on the whiteboard - all of them equal to 1 - was the largest. To my shock and horror, the students just knew that some of those fractions - again, all were equal to 1 - were larger than others.
From that point on, I let my mistake help guide my future teaching, and I always made sure that my students had a better understanding of fractions equal to 1 before I moved on to other topics.
What excites, interests and captivates you inside the classroom?
My assignment now is to teach elementary technology, and I have to say that I absolutely love this assignment. It seems that students love coming to computer class which makes my job a joy. In terms of what students are doing in my class, I love it all. It's great to see students improve in whatever facet of technology their class is focusing on.
What excites, interests and captivates you outside the classroom?
My biggest hobby is bicycle riding. I adore spending time with my wife and kids.
Best advice for students who are graduating from high school soon?
Be kind. Life usually does not give us "do overs," so be kind to those you meet. You'll feel better about yourself and others will feel better about themselves.
If you weren’t a teacher what would you be doing?
I'd be working with people in some capacity. Some of the other occupations that I would have enjoyed: pastor, bus driver in a national park, college basketball coach, real estate agent, insurance sales, college admissions employee.
Pictured with wife, Angela Montel, PhD.; son, Jesse Montel (14); and daughter, Elyse Montel (4).)