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Ada teacher feature: Meet Jeff Hunt, mathematics instructor

Compiled by Darlene Bowers
Welcome to the Ada Icon’s “Ada Teacher Feature.”

Here we share thoughts and insights from local teachers who lift up and inspire our students. Let us lift up and inspire these educators as well.

Today we meet Jeff Hunt, mathematics instructor. As you get to know Jeff from his responses below, ponder the solution to this thought from James Caballero, American mathematician: “I advise my students to listen carefully the moment they decide to take no more mathematics courses. They might be able to hear the sound of closing doors.” 

Thanks, Jeff, for your time and dedication to our students. May they always keep their doors to learning wide open.

1. Subject(s) and Grade(s) currently teaching.
Grades 10-12   Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry, Calculus

2. Extracurricular activities, groups, clubs, sports with which you are involved.
Varsity Girls' Soccer Coach

3. Degree(s) earned and from which institutions (also please include where attended high school).
Graduated from Perry High School, Bachelors of Science in Business Administration from Bowling Green State University, Teaching License for Mathematics, Computer Science and Business Education from Wright State University, Master of Arts in Religious Education from United Theological Seminary.

4. How long in teaching profession?
29 years

5. Why are you a teacher?
I enjoy the challenge of trying to explain a difficult concept in more understandable terms.

6. What motivates you?
Seeing my students understand a concept that they didn’t understand before.

7. What’s the best advice you give student(s)?
Learn from your mistakes and continue to give your best effort.

8. What’s the best advice you can give parent(s)/caregivers?
Students do mature and find where they fit in – be patient.

9. What’s the best thing student(s) can do for you?
Give their best effort in the classroom or on the playing field. Never Quit!

10. What’s the best thing parent(s)/caregivers can do for you?
Understand that I have the best interest of their student/athlete in mind.

11. What makes Ada schools unique or different?
Students seem to really care about each other.

12. Best or most memorable teaching moment?
While teaching an Algebra class using an overhead projector, I drew a picture of a kitchen table when discussing a table of values.  I was interested in seeing who was really paying attention.  Surprisingly, about half the class just kept taking notes and actually put the picture of the kitchen table in their notes. 

13. What excites/interests/captivates you inside the classroom?
I try to use as much technology as possible in teaching math.

14. What excites/interests/captivates you outside the classroom?
I enjoy coaching various sports and biking with my wife, Julie.

15. Best advice for students who are graduating from high school soon?
Find something you are passionate about, and pursue it with your best effort.

16. If you weren’t a teacher/teaching what would you do/be doing?
Pastoring a church or working in the IT area for a business.

