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"The Problem with Helping," topic of Thursday program

Anna McKeon will speak on "The Problem with Helping," during a program open to the public at 7 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 14, in the ONU McIntosh Ballroom, according to Christine North.

"Anyone engaged in volunteering and working in the community will not want to miss this excellent presentation," said North.

The speaker coordinates the Better Volunteering Better Care initiative, which advocates against international volunteering in residential care centers (orphanages) and promotes ethical an responsible volunteering alternatives.

Part of this work involves coordinating a global working group of organizations and individuals advocating on this issue and facilitating collaboration and cooperation cross-sector.

She also serves as an instructor for Where There Be Dragons working with fellow Cambodia instructors to design and lead immersive educational experiences for international students.

She brings her knowledge and connections from four years living in the region to offer students an enriching and personally challenging experience in Cambodia.

McKeon will be presenting to various classes while on campus.

This opportunity is being sponsored by Committee for Arts and Special Events and aided by Phi Beta Delta International Honor Society. 


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