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Multicultural holiday party highlight's Ada's international community

Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
ONU students enjoy conversation at a multicultural holiday party on campus on Tuesday evening.

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From left are Tetsuharu Hashimoto from Japan, Oyum Baldan from Mongolia, and Chiyuki Oh from Japan.

We asked Oyum how it came to be that she enrolled at Ohio Northern. She said the local campus was the first to reply to her admissions questions, the college offered what she wanted to study, thus she is here.

Oyum studies construction management. She is interested in buildings of all sizes, but prefers skyscrapers. And, yes, there are skyscrapers in Mongolia. Her father is an architect, her mother an electrical engineer.

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• LaShonda Gurley (center) chats with daughter Ky, a student at Perry High School and a volunteer in office of international services, and Chris DiBiasio, First Lady of ONU.

LaShonda is in her third year as director of multicultural development on campus. She headed up a multicultural holiday celebration on campus on Tuesday.

• A buffet was part of the multicultural holiday celebration on campus on Tuesday.

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