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Relay for Life at ONU hopes to involve the Ada community in 2013

Relay for Life at Ohio Northern University hopes to expand to include more Ada community involvement in 2013.

Watch the video at the bottom of this story.

The Relay chair and co-chairs told about next year's Relay's plans during the Sept. 19 Ada Area Chamber of Commerce meeting. Jaclyn Purgert is chairing the event for the third year. She is a fifth-year pharmacy student at ONU. The Relay's co-chairs are Victoria Cho and Vanja Raduka.

The 2013 Relay is Friday and Saturday, April 19-20, on the ONU campus. The opening ceremony starts at 6 p.m. on April 19. The closing ceremony is at noon on April 20.

Purgert invited the chamber and any community organizations, clubs or individuals to consider participating. Teams may be formed, sponsorships may be made in addition to several other options to participate.

Signing up to participate is easy according to Purgert. Persons may go to

Persons with specific questions may e-mail them to [email protected]

Relay for Life update, 9 19 12
