Here's an update from the Ada school website on events coming to the school.
TODAY: 2nd Grading period begins
Oct 30: OGT retakes for Jrs and Srs who need it
Oct. 27th: Early Release @ 1:30 for Staff Professional Development
Oct. 30th: Senior Cap & Gown orders for Apollo students at Apollo @7:30 AM
VOLLEYBALL: We need to congratulate these volleyball girls on their awards at the District level Melina 1st team All-district, Carlee 2nd team All District, and Megan 2nd team All-district. Also Megan and Carlee will be playing in the senior All Star Match.
REMINDER TO PAY SCHOOL FEES: If no payment has not been made by Oct.30th you will not receive your grade card and Progress Book privileges will be denied. Stop in the high school office and speak to Mrs. Pifer
Red Ribbon Week: A time to remember the importance of saying "No" to drugs. Each day will have a different theme. Today wear Red to show your commitment to a drug-free life. Tuesday is wear mismatched clothes -Don't let drugs mix you up! Wednesday is wear bright colors with the theme "I'm too bright to do drugs! Thursday is Sock It To Drugs ! day-- wear crazy socks. And Friday is Team up against drugs! So wear your purple and gold to support our team and show your commitment to a drug free life!
JH BOYS BASKETBALL: Open gym will be Tuesday & Wednesday from 6:30 – 8:00 PM in the high school gym.
DRAMA CLUB: will be meeting in the auditorium on Oct. 28th @3:30. Be prepared to elect officers as well discuss old and new business. Plays for reading and summarizing are available. Please see Peg Gordon to check them out.
DEAD PLAYWRIGHTS SOCIETY: If you are a high school student and would like to read Shakespeare and the Greek classics, please listen up. The Dead Playwrights Society meets every Tuesday & Thursday during lunch in room 224. Come join us for a little culture and a lot of laughs.
High School Girls Basketball: practice will begin today after school in the high school gym from 3:45 to 5:30.