Photos and story by Monty Siekerman
Monty Siekerman took a tree walk around Ada earlier this week and he's sharing with viewers what he observed about trees turning colors.
The Civil War cannon in the Railroad Depot Park no longer goes "Kaboom" but this reddish orange tree makes a loud statement of its own. The giant hanging baskets in the park and on several street corners may be gone, due to Jack Frost, but a drive around the village shows a lot of color along roadways and in yards this time of year.
This gold/green tree has a fine touch. It's located next to Fine Touch Furniture and Upholstery on North Johnson Street.
Fall tree
What color tree do you plant by the fire station? Red, of course.
Yes, nature and industry can coexist, as shown in this photo. A bright yellow tree is in the foreground while North American Stamping Group is in the distance. The business, located in the Grass Run Industrial Park, has been a fixture in Ada for 23 years. The company makes parts for large trucks. The Village of Ada planted trees in the industrial park over the years and helps maintain them. The trees have now grown to be an effective beautification of the industrial park, which is located on the northeast side of town.
College Avenue
Beneath a beautiful fall tree, Jaylynn Goodman and Emily Rose test their balance along a stone wall on College Avenue. Students enjoyed a nice no-school day on Monday for outdoor fun.
A woods near the corner of Beech Street and Hays Avenue shows the contrast of fall...some trees are bare already while others remain regally adorned in yellows and oranges. Lack of rain the past several weeks has made for a colorful fall, with leaves hanging on the trees instead of being knocked to the ground by raindrops.
When you mix sweet gum and sugar maple what do you get? No, not some fantastic desert, but a beautiful autumn scene. The sweet gum tree (foreground) and yellow/orange sugar maple make for "tasty" sight for the eyes, if not the pallet.
Autumn color
Know where this line of colorful tall trees is located? Hundreds of motorists pass by daily as they head north out of Ada on State Route 235. The picture-perfect autumn woods is found on the east side of the highway, just south of the Hardin-Hancock county line. These trees provide autumn color every year without fail, being especially eye-catching on a sunny day.