Here's how the Polar Bear teams fared last week (see attachment) and who they play this week.
More information about all of Ohio Northern's 23 varsity athletic programs can be found on the web at
Last Week at Ohio Northern:
Football - Lost 7-51 at #2 Mount Union
Volleyball - Won 3-0 at Wilmington; Won 3-1 H v Mount Union
M. Soccer - Won 5-2 at Wilmington; Won 1-0 H v Mount Union
W. Soccer - Won 2-1 H v Wilmington; Won 2-1 at Mount Union
#20 M. Cross Country - Idle
W. Cross Country - Idle
M. Golf - Idle
W. Golf - 12th of 14 at Wittenberg Fall Inv.
This Week's Schedule:
Volleyball - H v Otterbein, 7
Women's Soccer - at Otterbein, 7:30
Men's Basketball - at Lambton (Ontario), 6
Women's Golf - OAC Preview at W. Lafayette, O.
Men's Soccer - H v Otterbein, 7
Football - H v Capital, 1:30
Volleyball - at Capital, 1
Men's Soccer - at Capital, 2
Women's Soccer - H v Capital, 3
Cross Country - at Oberlin Rumble, 10a
Swimming - at Kenyon Relays, Noon
Diving - at Denison Diving Meet
Men's Golf - at Wayne State (Mich.) Fall Inv.