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Citrus Bowl - here we come; four from Hardin County HEAT

Four members of the Hardin County HEAT cheerleading squad will perform in the 2016 Buffalo Wild Wings Citrus Bowl in Orlando, Fla.

The four are students at Ada Middle School, Hardin Northern Middle School, Kenton Elementary School and Ridgemont Middle School. Hardin County HEAT Cheerleading is a program of the Hardin County Family YMCA, Kenton. There are four squads comprised of 25 members, ages 3 (preschool) to 15 (10th grade).

The squad was invited to perform in the pre-game performance after winning the Camp Champs Trophy in Cheer in the Freshman and Under Division from Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA) summer camp at Ohio Northern University in July. 

UCA is a brand under the Varsity Spirit umbrella. While at camp, the six girls comprised of 3rd through 8th graders, also received a superior squad trophy for all blue ribbon evaluations and the most improved trophy.

Four of the six squad members will travel as a team to Orlando for a week of rehearsals preparing them for the Citrus Bowl pre-game performance. They will perform before thousands at the game, televised on ABC.

Squad members attending are:
Hannah Souder, 8th grader at Hardin Northern and daughter of Jere and Nancy Souder. She is a member of her school cheerleading squad, honor roll, Made to Move Tumbling, and Walnut Grove UMC.
Haylee Wise, 4th grader at Kenton Elementary and daughter of Todd and Michelle Wise. She is involved in soccer, piano, 4-H and Made to Move Tumbling.
Kamryn Stanfield, 7th grader at Ridgemont and daughter of Scott and Diana Stanfield. She is on her school cheerleading squad, choir, 4-H, honor roll, Christian Missionary Alliance and Mt. Victory Church of Christ.
Nora Dellifield, 8th grader at Ada and daughter of David and Jami Dellifield. She is a member of her school cheerleading, volleyball, and track teams, choir, band, National Junior Beta Club, 4-H, UCA All-American, UCA Jump Queen, Trinity UMC Lima and Ada First UMC Youth Group

The team is selling “Citrus Bowl Bound” apparel, which can be purchased from any participant or by ordering at:

They also seek backers. For a $50 donation, backers receive a free T-shirt and their name/business name on the back of the shirt. For a $75 donation, backers receive a free hoodie sweatshirt and their name/business name on the back of the shirt. To become a backer contact any participant or Jami Dellifield, coach, at [email protected]

Donations are accepted at the Quest Credit Union in Kenton and Ada (account is “Citrus Bowl Performance”) and on their “Go Fund Me” site:

The team will celebrate the new year by performing in the seventh oldest collegiate bowl in the country and will visit Walt Disney World Resort.


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