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Here's an update on Hootenannies 4-H Club

By Riley Fleece, reporter

The Hardin County Hootenannies met at Riley Fleece​'s farm. 

President Isaac Davis opened the meeting by asking Riley to lead the American Pledge and Levi Beiler to start the 4-H pledge.  Old business was double checking our livestock fair entries. 

Also, Faith Holbrook announced the theme for the fair booth is "Hootenannies - Takin' to the Road, Traveling Far with 4-H!" and she gave a reminder to get a 5x7 face photo of each member to put into our booth's cars by the next meeting.

New business:  Open class entry deadline is Aug 21st.  Congratulations goes to Isaac Davis, Faith Holbrook and Riley Fleece for attaining an Outstanding Achievement Award on their goat projects!  And congrats to Faith for becoming Goat Princess for this year's fair.

Riley Fleece did a very helpful presentation on the different parts of the meat goat, preparing us for the showmanship questions that may be asked by the judge.  Isaac and Seth Davis shared cookies they had baked for refreshments along with some cool drinks.

Next meeting will be held at Faith Holbrook's farm on Sun Aug 23rd at 2 pm, where we will practice showmanship with her goats.  Members are reminded to bring a lawn chair and their 5x7 face photo.  Faith will have hot dogs, chips and drinks.


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