The annual membership drive for the Ada Music Boosters is now underway.
With the help of the Ada community, the music boosters are able to enhance music education and the performance-based programming for the Ada Exempted Village Schools.
Here's what the booster say about the membership drive:
We purchase choir robes, band uniforms, instruments, Varsity Singers costumes, props and music and support our State and regional award-winning winter guards, marching bands and show choir.
We assist with funding music department educational trips to New York City and Walt Disney World, underwrite high school musical productions, support elementary programs and host and contribute to events which greatly benefit our community.
A flyer is being mailed to all households in the school district this week.
We encourage you to return it with a contribution towards this year’s fund-raising drive.
Please also consider contributing to these additional Booster funds... a Varsity Singers Alumni Scholarship, to help provide financial support to students who may need assistance to be part of the show choir, or our savings account to help replace marching band uniforms and the equipment travel trailer, which each need to be purchased about every 10 years.
We’re proud to support all aspects of music education in our schools. Please be an Ada Music Boosters Patron this year, as your gift definitely help us increase the level of support we are able to provide to the students in our programs.
The 2015-16 Patron membership form can also be found online under the Patrons tab at, where we also offer online giving options.
Patron memberships may be mailed to:
David Smittle, treasurer
Ada Music Boosters
1714 County Road 20,
Ada, OH 45810-9423.