AEP provided The Icon with the following weather alert for today and Tuesday (June 22-23).
Two rounds of severe thunderstorms are expected to impact northwestern Ohio
this afternoon and tonight. Both rounds have the potential to cause widespread wind damage.
Round 1 This afternoon-early evening: At 9 a.m. radar shows a complex of severe thunderstorms racing across eastern Minnesota/eastern Iowa. This will reach northern Indiana as a squall line (gusts up to 80 mph) early this afternoon.
Significant utilities problems are possible. The main part of the line is expected to stay north of the Fort Wayne District and western Ohio late this afternoon-evening, but some pockets of damage are expected.
Round 2 Tonight: Another complex of severe storms is expected to develop over Wisconsin/Iowa/northern Illinois late this afternoon and move across northern Ohio tonight.
In the wake of the first complex of storms, there is uncertainty regarding the evolution and coverage of the next round of storms tonight. With very humid, unstable air and unseasonably strong winds aloft
AEP meteorologists expect at minimum that a broken line of severe storms will move
into northern Ohio. Potential does exist for a squall line (gusts up to 80 mph) to form. If a squall line indeed develops, significant utilities problems would result. I&M Power’s Michigan & South Bend/Elkhart Districts are most at risk, but the rest of I&M Power and northern AEP Ohio are also at risk overnight.