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Scott Allison gives Kiwanis a First United Methodist Church preview

Ada Kiwanis had a preview of the Ada First United Methodist Church on Feb. 10. Scott Allison made the presentation.

The original church bell is now on display in the Fellowship Hall.  Students from Ohio Northern sponsored the refinishing of the bell.  The refinishing work was done by Verdin Company in Cincinnati.

The fellowship hall will hold about 240 people. There are special rooms for children and teens. The sanctuary can handle up to about 280 people.

The stained glass window in the sanctuary was designed and executed by Ann Holmes who used to be a member of the congregation.  The window was made in Asheville, North Carolina, brought up to Ada in pieces, and assembled by a local company.

There will be a grand piano in the sanctuary and it will be arriving this coming Monday.
There will be services in the facility during March and on April 12th the new building will be officially dedicated.

The building was designed with the idea of providing rooms for the Ada community to use for meetings and celebrations.  For example, Ready-Set-Grow pre-school will be using the new facility.

The Ada Kiwanis meets at 12:00 noon each Tuesday in McIntosh Center, ONU. Guests are always welcome.
Visit the club’s Facebook page.


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