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Youtheatre college scholarship winner announced

Marathon Center for the Performing Arts presented the 2021 Youtheatre college scholarship to CJ Miller. Scholarship recipients are chosen based on their participation in the Youtheatre program – the depth and years of involvement in the program, as well as identification of skills gained in the program.

A 2021 Findlay High School graduate, CJ is the son of Mark and Krista Miller. He will be attending Ohio Northern University majoring in Musical Theater. CJ began participating in Youtheatre in second grade, performing on stage as well as in the technical crew.

Ada swimmers set to compete in 39th WOAL title meet at Kenton Fri.-Sat.

By Cort Reynolds
More than 450 swimmers and their families will descend on Kenton July 9-10 for the 39th annual Elks Invitational Swim Meet and Western Ohio Aquatics League championship.

The WOAL is for swimmers aged four to 18 who are members of one of the league’s teams.

The Kenton Municipal Swimming pool is the site for the 2021 Swim Championships and will host eight teams from Ada, Bluffton, Findlay, Kenton, Shawnee Country Club, Wapakoneta, Westside and Van Wert. Teams will compete for the 2021 league title.

Wheat harvest is underway

Wheat harvest is underway across many farms in the area. The Icon spotted this familiar scene in early July between Bluffton and Ada.

Red, White and Ah-choo? Not this Year

Steer clear of asthma and allergy triggers this summer.

With the summer around the corner, loads of people get out and enjoy the outdoor fun. You and your family have big summer plans: fireworks, picnics and swimming. Now you just need to make sure that no one ends up red (itchy rashes), white (a box full of tissues), or blue (coughing or an asthma attack) for the wrong reasons. That’s why it’s so important to be prepared, so allergies and asthma don’t overshadow the festivities.

Final thoughts on...

Journalism in a small town and all the encounters you can't predict

By Fred Steiner
(Photo accompanying this column shows Fred Steiner and Ryan Lowry cutting the Icon’s first anniversary cake in 2010.)

Thoughts on:
• how the Icons came to be,
• journalism in a small town,

Here’s the thing:

You can earn a living working in your profession in a small, rural community. But, along the way, you can’t predict the encounters that hit like insects on a car window at 70 mph.

Want to know how the Icon was born?
The idea was simple.

Create a community news source available to everyone. Put another way, make it a rare medium that’s well done.

Icons pass to second generation owners

The Bluffton and Ada Icons passed on to their second generation of owners at the beginning of the month. Fred and Mary Pannabecker Steiner, who launched the two community journalism websites, announced Ryan and Gayle Lowry of Bluffton as the new owners beginning July 1. Read the full story.
