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Ada's latest news

Ohio Northern University’s Harold Putt named Ohio’s mathematics professor of the year

Harold Putt, Ohio Northern University professor of mathematics and statistics, has received the 2012 Ohio Section Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics by the Ohio Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). Putt was honored at the association’s spring section meeting April 13.

This award recognizes teachers who are successful in their teaching, demonstrate documented effectiveness and influence beyond their college or university, and foster curiosity and generate excitement about mathematics in their students.

Approximately 600 receive diplomas May 13 at ONU

Ohio Northern University will celebrate its 2012 undergraduate commencement ceremony in the ONU Sports Center on Sunday, May 13, at 2 p.m. Approximately 600 students will be awarded degrees.

ONU alumnus Dr. Clayton L. Mathile will deliver the commencement address. Mathile was born Jan. 11, 1941, in Portage, Ohio. He himself paid for his freshman-year tuition at Ohio Northern and was a walk-on for the University’s basketball team. While initially a mechanical engineering major, Mathile eventually gravitated toward the business college, earning a Bachelor of Arts in business administration in 1962.

Show stopper

It's rehearsal time for Ada first graders.The students are preparing for a first grade musical presentation in May. Two performances are planned. The first at 1:15 p.m. and the second at  at 7 p.m., Thursday, May 3, in the school auditorium.

Blanchard Valley Hospital holds diabetes support group meetings

Blanchard Valley Hospital, in partnership with the Greater Northwest Ohio Diabetes Association and the Findlay YMCA, will be holding diabetes support group meetings.
The meetings will include an educational presentation and discussion. All meeting will be held from 7-8 p.m. in the pool room at the downtown Findlay YMCA, 300 E. Lincoln St., Findlay.

Dates and topics of upcoming meetings include:

Monday, May 14
Topic: Taking Charge of Your Diabetes
Speaker: Nancy Proctor, RN, M.Ed.

Monday, June 11
Topic: Your Meals & You and Food Label Deceit
Speaker: Julie Russell, RD, LD

Win an evening's stay at The Inn At ONU - top raffle prize in Fun Run for ReStore

Want to win an evening's stay at The Inn at ONU? It's one of the raffle prizes at Saturday, first-ever Fun Run For ReStore. Here are the details.

Three community groups joined efforts to create the first-ever fun Run for ReStore fund raiser set for 10 a.m., Saturday, May 5, in Ada.

The race, which is still accepting entrants, is sponsored by Ada Restore, ONU Fellowship of Christian Athletes and ONU’s Tau Beta Pi engineers.

Street work

Utility work continues on the west side of the village this spring. Road Closed signs are a common warning until the work is completed.
