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Ghosts, goblins and kids

Ghosts, goblins and kids. Scattered among an intricate Halloween display are (from left,) Kaitlyn Bowden, Jaden Leal, Cash Alger, Kiera Cash, and Jasmine Oates. Paul and Ruth Lawrence, 610 S. Johnson, have been putting out a Halloween display for more than 30 years, adding to it each year. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Town and Gown celebrates one-half century! Tickets for Nov. 2 event now available

The 50th annual Ada Town and Gown Banquet will be held in the McIntosh Center ballroom on the campus of Ohio Northern University on Monday, Nov. 2, at 6:30 p.m. Guests may arrive at 6 p.m.

The Town and Gown Association was established in 1957 by a group of townspeople and ONU personnel to develop and maintain a strong positive relationship between the village of Ada and Ohio Northern. As with each year, the honor of Distinguished Citizen of the Year will be given to an individual nominated by fellow citizens.

Hold that pose

That's Claire Toland on the left, and Claire Toland on the right. Claire, an Ada High School senior, created this self portrait in Art IV. The work was completed as computer art. She demonstrates for the Icon the pose she used to create this life-like image. The drawing is in the art showcase in the school.

Melina Woods NWC volleyball player of the year

Ada sophomore Melina Woods was voted the 2015 Northwest Conference “Player of The Year” at a meeting of conference volleyball coaches in Delphos. 

Woods had also earned first team honors as a freshman in last year's balloting. Other Ada players recognized were Carlee Marshall, senior, first team, and Megan Simon, senior, second team.

Kevin King of Bluffton was voted NWC Coach of the Year by his peers.  Ada and Paulding finished the year as co-champs in the league with identical 7-1 records in league play.

More stats are below:

No, it's not snow

No, it hasn't snowed yet.

Here's a field on State Route 235 just south of U.S. 30. The farmer has applied lime on the fields to raise the pH of the soil.

According to Mark Badertscher of the Hardin County Extension office: Generally, fertilizers that are applied to soils for plant nutrition lower the pH of soils over time. Therefore, ag lime is applied according to soil test recommendations to raise the pH of the soil to a range that plants will grow better.

Place your order by Friday for football playoff shirts and sweatshirts

The Ada Athletic Boosters are taking orders for Bulldog football state playoff Division VII shirts.

Shirts are purple with vegas and white designs. Two options are available:
• T-shirts for $10 each
• Hooded sweatshirts for $20 each

The order deadline is Friday, Oct. 23. Checks are payable to Ada Athletic Boosters. Forms must be returned to the Ada High School office, elementary office or Reichert's on Main Street.

Call 419-634-2881 for more details.

A  order form is an attachment at the bottom of this story.
