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Teachers Butterfield and Cotsamire honored by Book Walk at Ada Schools

Beloved teachers' love of reading reflected in new installation

By Paula Scott


An interchangeable Book Walk on the elementary playground has been installed thanks to memorial funds from the families of Ada Schools teachers Julie Butterfield and Doris Cotsamire, a grant from the Hardin County Community Foundation, and contributions and efforts by Ada staff.

On October 20, family members, friends, former students and Ada Schools staff gathered to hold a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially recognize the impact made by these two teachers. Smiles and tears were mingled during the course of the event. Elementary Principal Jeremy Clark welcomed guests to the event and school librarian Chanda Smith provided the story of how the Storybook Walk came to be:

“Thank you all for showing up on this rainy fall morning.  To the families of Julie Butterfield and Doris Cotsamire, may I extend a special welcome.  We’re very happy to have Rick Butterfield, Katie and Luke plus their families as well as Doug Cotsamire, Jeff and Diane Hood, Natalie Hood and her children: Calvin, Elias and Maggie.  We’re so glad you could be here for this event.  And to our 6th grade students, the last class that was lucky enough to have Mrs. Butterfield as a teacher, welcome.


PHOTO Dictionary distribution is an annual Ada Rotary event

In recent weeks, the Ada Rotary has gifted dictionaries to students at Ada, Hardin Northern and Upper Scioto Valley elementary schools. This student literacy promotion is an annual tradition for the service club. Here Rotarian John Neville poses with USV students. 

REMINDER Digital Empowerment for Parents on Nov. 7

From 6:00-8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 7 (Election Day), the Ada Schools will host Digital Empowerment for Parents. This event is free and open to the public, but NO students please.

Presenter Scott Frank comes with a wealth of experience as a former ICAC Investigator and Internet Safety Expert. The event is sponsored by the Ada Ministerial Association.

Hardin County Extension rainfall report for September 2023

By Mark Badertscher

HARDIN COUNTY__During the month of September 2023, Extension volunteer rainfall reporters received an average of 0.22 inches of rain. The least rain for this month, 0.00 inches, was reported in both Liberty and Marion Townships, as measured by Phil Epley and Mark Lowery respectively. The most rain reported during the month, 0.61 inches, was reported in Goshen Township by John Brien.

During the same month last year, an average of 2.92 inches of rain fell. The rainfall recorded in September over the past ten years averaged 2.93 inches.

Ada traffic stop results in arrest, drug and AK-47 seizure

On November 6 the Ada Police Department issued the following drug trafficking media release:

On October 31, 2023, an Ada Police Officer on patrol observed a vehicle commit a moving violation near Klingler Road on West Lincoln Avenue in the Village of Ada.

During the traffic stop officers discovered probable cause to search the vehicle for contraband. The search yielded raw marijuana, drug paraphernalia, cash, and a loaded AK-47 pistol.

November 10 opening for "Habitat" at ArtSpace/Lima

Benefit evening for Habitat for Humanity November 16

ArtSpace/Lima will host a new exhibit featuring the works from 14 artists who define ‘habitat’ through their art. Each artist was asked to synthesize the meaning and interpret it through a medium that they work with. The artists featured in the exhibit are:

Laura Barnhardt Corle
Randy  Bennett
Terri Blosser
Aubrey Davis
Valarie Escabedo
Judy Greavu
Jim Fultz
Sheila Hernandez
Mike Huffman
William John
Tom Lehman
Avory Mayenschein
John  Rausch
Scott Rose

