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School photos rescheduled for Monday

Due to the unexpected cancellation of school last week two events were rescheduled for Monday, Nov. 3. Those events follow:

School Pictures:
Junior high and high school pictures have been rescheduled for Monday, Nov. 3. This includes senior composite pictures. Senior composite pictures for Apollo students only will begin at 7 a.m. in the band room. All other seniors will be called per public address announcement during first period. Picture retakes have been rescheduled for Dec. 2.

Several county and local issues on Nov. 4 ballot

By Torie Wright, Icon intern
Voting day is on the way.


As the Nov. 4 general elections come nearer, Ada and Liberty Township voters have the option of viewing a sample ballot online and coming to an early decision about the fate of local issues.

In addition to local matters, voters will cast ballots on several state races.

According to the Hardin County Board of Elections, Village of Ada and Liberty Township voters will see the following on the 2014 general election ballots:

Two words describe Restore this fall: Busy place

For many Ada area residents, ReStore, 210 N. Main St., is the place where the action is. ReStore’s November newsletter was recently released and it share many of the events recently held and planned later this fall.

The newsletter offers updates on:
• Crockpot Tuesdays
• Daily lunches
• Monthly dances (see photo above)

In November ReStore plans a Thanksgiving dinner and coat drive. In December there’s an auction to benefit the Beacon Fund.

There’s always an opportunity to volunteer. Opportunities are available to volunteer at Marco’s Closet and during the Thanksgiving dinner.

Bluffton Precast Concrete Co. - a huge inferno

A fire of undetermined origin is sweeping through the large Bluffton Precast Concrete Co., building at 8950 North Dixie Highway, south of Bluffton Wednesday afternoon.

It does not appear that anyone was injured.


The Bluffton Fire and EMS was called to the scene around 3:30 p.m. At the time black smoke was billowing hundreds of feet into the air toward Interstate 75.  The smoke was visible from the center of town.

During the first 30 minutes of the blaze emergency sirens filled the air in the village as addition unit were called to the scene.

Halloween parade, soup cook off, pie-baking contest - all downtown tonight

Tonight's the night!

Ada Kiwanis invite participants to its annual Halloween parade. It forms behind the Municipal Building on Buckeye Street. Registration is at 5:30 p.m. and the parade is at 6 p.m.

Costume categories are:
• Prettiest
• Scariest
• Most original

Costume judging by age groups:
• Preschool and kindergarten
• 1st and 2nd grades
• 3rd and 4th grades
• 5th and 6th grades
• Groups any age and pets
• Adults (most original only)
• Ada HS band

Here's the latest from Ada schools

From the Ada schools website:

FRESHMAN PARENT MEETING: On Tuesday October 28th at 7:30 pm in the auditorium, there will be a meeting for all parents of freshman students. Mr. Lee will lead the meeting regarding new graduation requirements and scheduling opportunities. The meeting is important and all able should attend.
