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Feb. 20 ticket deadline for Hardin alliance dinner meeting at ONU

Tickets are still available for the 9th annual  Hardin County Business Alliance and Chamber dinner. The event is at 6 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 26, at McIntosh Center, Ohio Northern University.

Tickets and table reservations are filling up fast. Call 419-673-4131 to submit your RSVP. RSVP Deadline is Friday, Feb. 20. 

Participants sought for Hardin Leadership class

Participants for the 23rd annual Hardin Leadership class, a program designed for the development of informed and effective community leaders, are being recruited now until March 4.


ReStore now collection point for dog and cat food donations

For those who have a heart to help people keep their pets in their homes, there is now a location in Ada where dog and cat food can be donated.

ReStore Community Center at 210 N. Main will help the Hardin County Humane Society by being a collection point for persons desiring to help dogs and cats stay with their owners.

Sometimes people have to give up their beloved pets because they can no longer afford to feed them, although they have had their pet for many years and the pet has become a part of the family. The Society also distributes donated pet food to people who foster cats and dogs.

Check out the Ada HS calendar - February is short on days but not on events

February is a busy place at Ada schools. Here's an update on activities from the school website.

Feb. 13th - End of 3rd Interim
Feb. 16th - No School Presidents Day
Feb. 20th - Interim sent home at end of day
Feb. 25th - Spring Pictures Order forms in high school office

FCA MEETINGS: Time has been changed to Monday nights from 7-8 p.m. in the cafeteria. Our meeting time had been 8-9 p.m.

Ada Food Pantry serves nearly 180 families

The Ada Food Pantry, located in the basement of the Presbyterian Church, serves about 180 families yearly.  About 30 families use the pantry every month.

All food is donated by organizations and individuals. This is not government run. The Boy Scouts and Public Library have annual food drives. The ONU food service is also a big help. Several campus organizations give food, as well.

The pantry serves residents of Liberty and Washington townships. Each visitor's food lasts them about three days. Adults on disability, senior citizens, families with one to nine children are among those served.

Several county awards given at Alliance dinner at ONU on Feb. 26

The Hardin County Chamber and Business Alliance Annual Membership Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 26, at Ohio Northern University’s McIntosh Center. Guest speaker will be State Treasurer Josh Mandel. Reception will begin at 6 p.m. and the dinner program at 6:30 p.m.

Awards that will be presented include the 2014 Business of the Year, Citizen of the Year, and Community Service.
