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What's for lunch in February?

Lunch in February begins with breaded chicken leg, steamed broccoli, fruit and milk, in the Ada school cafeteria.

To view the February cafeteria menu, click here.

Ada's new fire truck ready for service

Monday evening information meeting also served as a dedication of the new vehicle

Check out nine photos at the bottom of this story - 
Ada-Liberty Township Volunteer fire personnel officially met their new set of wheels on Monday. 

The $700,000 vehicle arrived in Ada in December, and the equipment was officially introduced, explained in detail and dedicated in a program in the fire department building.

Jay Epley, fire chief, treating the big red machine like a prized toy, explained the many features of the newest vehicle in Ada to members of the department, village, township and ONU officials.

Health order reducing state curfew by 1 hour

Change being made because Ohio hospitalizations for COVID-19 have remained below 3,500 for 7 consecutive days

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced that Ohio Department of Health Director Stephanie McCloud signed a health order pushing back the statewide curfew one hour, changing the start time of the curfew to 11 p.m. 

The new hours begin Jan 28,  at 12:01 p.m. and lasts through Feb. 11, at 12:01 p.m.  The change is being made because Ohio hospitalizations for COVID-19 have remained below 3,500 for seven consecutive days.

Specifications in this order include:
Individuals within the state must stay at a place of residence during the hours of 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. except for obtaining necessary food, medical care, or social services or providing care for others.

It was a "Super" party at Wilson

216 games balls made in Ada are now in the hands the two remaining NFL playoff teams

Fourteen lucky Wilson's Sporting Goods employees had their own Super Bowl party on Sunday night that lasted into the wee hours of Monday.

According to Andy Wentling, plant manager, the “super” crew worked into the early morning hours at the Ada facility to create the official 2021 Super Bowl footballs. 

“We had dies for the four teams in Sunday’s playoff games ready to use,” he said. “By 10:30 p.m., as soon as the games were over and the winners were determined our crew went to work.”

The crew worked until around 4 a.m. as they created the football bladders for 216 games balls plus 12 kicking balls.

Say good bye to “school cancellation days,” Ada

The school has moved to virtual learning days for the rest of this school year in the event of bad weather

Say good bye to “school cancellation days,” Ada.

The school has moved to virtual learning days for the rest of this school year in the event of bad weather, according to Meri Skilliter, Ada superintendent.

Here’s the announcement from the school website:

With the increased capacity that our school, students and teachers now have to learn remotely, all school days cancelled as a result weather for the remainder of the school year will be virtual learning days. 

So, you think you know Ada? The answer

So, you think you know Ada? The answer is the Ada village water plant buildilng.
