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Five veterans recognized by Hardin Democrats

Five veterans who are members of the Hardin County Democrat Central and Executive Committees were honored at the Nov. 11 meeting of those groups. 

Lee Kellogg served in the Army from 1944-1946 and had a tour of duty in Europe; Miles Sheldon served in the Army from 1952-1954 and had a tour of duty in Korea; Joe Cook served in the Army from 1957-1965; Russell Frost served in the Army from 1957-1960; and Russell Ludwig served in the Air Force in Vietnam.  He enlisted in 1967 and served for 27 ½ years including many years in the Reserves in Toledo. 

The committee members showed their appreciation for their service and they were each presented with a small United States flag.

Matching donors with recipients

Tom and Phyllis Gossel of Ada meet with Devin Bumgarner, a second-year pharmacy student from Ashville.

The occasion: Dinner in McIntosh ballroom for those who gave money to establish scholarships, matching up the donors with this year's recipients. About 120 people attended. For more about the Gossels, click here. 
Monty Siekerman photo)

Three-day boat safety conference at ONU

Boat safety was the topic of a three-day fall conference held at ONU last weekend.

David Hart (left) and Carl Clair, both of Ft. Wayne, sit at the registration desk full of raffle items.

Members and families of the U.S. Power Squadron Sail and Power Boating association district met on campus for the first time for their fall conference; however, the group has held its winter meeting here for many years.

The winter meeting is for officers to plan for the next year. Clair said, "We've met here for many years; they treat us well." (Monty Siekerman photo)

Meet Sandy's family

Several family members of Sandy Neely surprised her by attending the Nov. 2 Ada Town and  Gown banquet. (They must have been tipped off in advance.) Neely was named the 2015 Ada distinguished citizen of the year.

From left, Chris Neely, Jennifer Herndon (holding Neely Jo Herndon), Sandy Neely, Seth Neely and Bruce Neely.

Front from left, Jasper Herndon, David Neely and Matthew Neely.

Hey, look everyone! I'm on the Ada honor roll!

That's correct. There's a good chance that an Ada student who know is on the first honor roll of the 2105-16 school year.

Attachments at the bottom of this story lists honor roll students by:
• Elementary 
• Junior High
• High School


Lots more than just candy was handed out on Ada streets this Halloween. Ada/Liberty Fire and EMS gave out free hotdogs. (Monty Siekerman photo)
