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Buy Ada First update

Heather Cox of Liberty National Bank gives an update on Buy Ada First, the buy local arm of the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce. The chamber met on March 16. Watch the Icon for updates on Buy Ada First activities in 2016.

Mara Guyton's political career starts today - AHS senior elected precinct rep

By Monty Siekerman
During Tuesday's  election, Mara Guyton, an 18-year-old senior at Ada High School, was elected Democrat precinct representative for Liberty Township. She ran unopposed.

Here, Mara (left) and twin sister Olivia hold a bouquet of flowers from the Democrat legacy dinner which they attended recently in Columbus.

Mara was Olivia's campaign manager for Homecoming attendant, so, naturally, Olivia was Mara's campaign manager for precinct committee person.

Mara has high some day be a U.S. Senator. She says she has been interested in government and politics since she was 6 years old. Sister Olivia plans to be a nurse.

Darlene Bowers' art expresses her "sense of style"

Dog of the week: This guy's looking for a new home

That's right, This guy's looking for a new home.  

To give a dog a forever home, contact the Hardin County dog shelter. It is located at 49 Jones Road on the west side of Kenton.

Hours: 9 am to 4 pm on Monday, Thursday, and Friday. Phone: 419-674-2209.
Generally, about 20 to 25 dogs are available for viewing.

A night out for kid's at ONU

Liam Vieira, 8, readies a set shot for two points during Kids' Night Out at King-Horn on Friday. ONU coaches and players sponsored the event for kids 8 to 13 years old. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Ada Teacher Feature: Jonathan Lischak says, "Work hard at everything you do"
