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Harold says, "Time to starting exercising"

Try to keep up with his standing, sitting and stretching movements

Harold Cotsamire brought back more than shells from Florida. The retired ONU controller returned to Ada with an idea: begin a one-hour exercise class of standing, sitting, and stretching movements.

He and his wife, Doris, who passed away last fall, thought it would be a good idea to begin an exercise session in their hometown. Friends at the Ada United Methodist Church encouraged him to begin a class, so he has. Ten people attended the first session last week.

Madie Skiver's art accepted in Ft. Wayne Scholastic Art Show

Two works on exhibit from Feb. 12 to April 9

Madie Skiver, an Ada High School senior, had two pieces of art accepted in the Scholastic Art Show in Ft. Wayne, Ind. Her artwork will be displayed at the Ft. Wayne Museum of Art from Feb.12-April 9.

One of her pieces of art, titled "Nevermore," shows a black raven. Madie came up with the idea from her favorite poem, Edgar Allen Poe's "Nevermore." The print received an honorable mention award.

To make the lineo print, she took a cutting tool to a piece of rubber, then applied ink to the rubber, and transferred the image to paper.

Judith Greavu among winners in ArtSpace/Lima exhibit

Judith Greavu won first place in the "plants" category in the ArtSpace/Lima annual photography club's juried exhibit.

Here photo is titled "Dried Kelp." The exhibit is at ArtSpace now through Feb. 11.

Greavu taught at Bluffton University and retired from Ohio Northern University where she was associate professor in the department of art & design from 1985–2005.

Spring is in the air...or is it Summer?

Ada gets outside on a 64-degree January afternoon


Spring is in the air...or is it Summer?

Sunday's high was 64 degrees, besting the all time record by four degrees. Record low for Jan. 22 is minus 9 in Ada.

Here, Samantha Loomis steers a convertible into a parking lot on campus. Top down cars are seldom found around here in January.

The camera caught runners running, a kid hover boarding, a pickup game of basketball, one of many motorcycles headed through town, and more. People were sure enjoying the great outdoors with the sunshine and warmth.

Master gardening classes accepting students

The Master Gardeners Volunteers of Allen, Hardin and Hancock counties will
offer the Master Gardener Volunteer training program at the OSU-Lima
Campus this spring.

This program provides 50 hours of intensive training in horticulture to interested gardeners who then commit to 50 hours of volunteer service in their home county  assisting with Master Gardener Volunteer sponsored educational programs and activities for residents. Volunteer opportunities and projects vary by county.

Specialists from the Ohio State University Extension and experienced Master
Gardener Volunteers will teach sessions along with some local experts.

Hey, everyone, look! I'm on the honor roll!

Here's the Ada school honor roll for the second grading period

Here's the Ada school honor roll for the second nine-week grading period.

Fourth Grade

All A:  Jana Abdullatef, Jillian Allison, Adam Conner, Ethan D’Souza, Brody Erickson, Benjamin Marshall, Alainie Pratt, Aidra Preston, Victoria Rausch, Abigail Thompson, Caleb Thompson, Karley Wagner, Rowan West and Ken Zheng
