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Ohio Northern University

Voting on Ohio Northern University’s Campus Up in 2020

A recent report finds that student voting at Ohio Northern University increased significantly in last year’s presidential election, rising 12 points to 65% in 2020 from a rate of 53% in 2016.

Dr. Robert Alexander, the founding director of the Institute for Civics and Public Policy at Ohio Northern notes that he is “excited to see such large numbers of students take part in the important ritual of voting.” He adds that “For most, this is their first experience voting and establishing this habit early is instrumental in connecting one another to the democratic process.” 

ONU sculpture commission unveiled at Heterick Library

On Friday, November 6, Ohio Northern University unveiled the commissioned scultpure "Nexus" by Professor of Art Luke Sheets. The work is displayed on the first floor of Heterick Library, where is it is illuminated internally and can be viewed from inside and outside the building.

The sculpture was commissioned in honor of the university's 150th anniversary. The cylindrical structure is described as exploring "one of the most concrete intersections of art and mathematics—the golden ratio. It also includes numerous symbolic components and uses light to illustrate the concept of students venturing toward their future."

Classroom on the Broom: ONU professor to teach course on witches in fiction and film

Successful alewives from the Middle Ages, who used funnels with top vents (which today’s costume witch hats resemble) and cauldrons to make their product, were sometimes accused of witchcraft by less profitable male brewers as an underhanded attempt to vie for customers. Today, witchcraft accusations still abound—albeit in the American political arena.

Five 2021 inductees to ONU Athletic Hall of Fame

The Ohio Northern University Athletic Hall of Fame will induct five members this year.

The inductees in the fall 2021 class are

Enrollment, retention increase at ONU

Ohio Northern University reports that its Fall ’21 enrollment and retention numbers have markedly risen, surpassing pre-pandemic levels.

  • Overall enrollment rose 10.7%, to 3,116 students, the most attending since Fall 2015.
  • First-year students total 738. They represent the largest freshman cohort in 13 years.
  • First-year retention for the Fall 2020 cohort was 87%, the highest rate since Fall 2013.

Administrators find several factors contributed to ONU’s strong enrollment and retention numbers:

NASA engineer, social media specialist to receive young alumni awards

NASA engineer Courtney M. (Hetrick) Schkurko, BSEE ’13 and Kevin J. Saghy, BA ’07, a social media specialist, have been selected to receive Ohio Northern University’s 2021 William L. Robinson Young Alumni awards during homecoming weekend.

The ONU Alumni Association established the award to honor individuals who have graduated from the University within the last 15 years and who demonstrate passion and loyalty toward their profession, community and alma mater.

Schkurko and Saghy will be recognized during ceremonies prior to ONU’s Oct. 2 Homecoming football game.
