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Ohio Northern University

ONU students honored by Financial Executives International Toledo Chapter

Two students from Ohio Northern University’s James F. Dicke College of Business Administration were recognized for their outstanding accomplishments at the Financial Executives International (FEI) Toledo Chapter Students Awards Night in Perrysburg, Ohio, on Nov. 8.

Robert Roll, a senior accounting and finance major from Gahanna, Ohio, and Austin Price, a Master of Professional Practice in Accounting candidate from Tiffin, Ohio, were among 14 students honored at the event. The two ONU students were presented a $400 award check from Michael Harding on behalf of the FEI Toledo Chapter.

ONU’s chapter of Tau Beta Pi inducts Kenny

Robert Kenny, vice president and general manager with General Cable, was inducted into the Ohio Iota chapter of Tau Beta Pi at Ohio Northern University as an eminent engineer during a ceremony held Nov. 4.

Kenny graduated from Ohio Northern with a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering in 1988. Eighteen ONU undergraduates also were initiated into the Ohio Iota chapter, which was founded in 1973.
 Kenny has been vice president and general manager of data communications cables for General Cable since June 2007. In October 2009, he assumed the additional responsibility for leadership of the company’s Telecommunications Team.

Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy honored at NCPA national convention

The Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy student chapter of the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) was honored with a trio of chapter awards at the 114th annual NCPA Convention and Trade Exposition in San Diego in October. Two ONU pharmacy scholarship recipients also were recognized at the event.

ONU’s NCPA student chapter won the 2012 Legislative Advocacy Award for the top chapter in the nation in legislative and advocacy activities. The award comes with a $1,000 travel stipend for students to attend the NCPA Legislative Conference in May 2013.

ONU’s College of Pharmacy honors three with distinguished alumni award

Ohio Northern University’s Raabe College of Pharmacy honored three alumni with Distinguished Alumni Awards on Oct. 31. This is the sixth year that Distinguished Alumni Awards have been presented by the Raabe College of Pharmacy.

Sen. David Burke, a 1990 graduate, Hanley Wheeler, a 1982 graduate, and Suzanne Eastman Wuest, a 1974 graduate, were recognized for their outstanding career accomplishments and their contributions to ONU.

ONU alumni named Ada Distinguished Citizen of the Year

James E. Turner, a 1963 graduate of Ohio Northern University’s College of Pharmacy, former Ohio Northern University professor and former owner of Gardner’s Pharmacy in Ada, was named Ada’s Distinguished Citizen of the Year at the 47th annual Town and Gown Banquet at Ohio Northern University on Monday, Nov. 5.

“Jim embodied what we think about when the phrase ‘town and gown’ is spoken,” said Bob McCurdy, special assistant to the dean of ONU’s College of Pharmacy and longtime friend of Turner.

ONU civil engineering students receive scholarships


Two Ohio Northern University civil engineering students were each awarded a $500 scholarship from the Toledo Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) on Monday, Nov. 5.

Sarah Massella, a senior from Bridgeport, Pa., and Katherine Bowman, a junior from Richfield, Ohio, were the recipients of the award. The two students are members of the ONU chapter of the ASCE.

ASCE’s Honors and Awards program recognizes the commendable achievements and remarkable accomplishments of the civil engineering profession. With more than 80 awards, the program distinguishes the unique contributions engineers make to both the industry and society.
