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"The Closet" at ONU student success center


Virtual meetings and casual workplaces may have changed the way people dress for success, but looking professional is still critical for most future careers.

Ohio Northern University’s Career Closet is helping students look their best for job interviews, internships, capstone presentations, and even etiquette dinners.

The Closet is part of the Mifsud Center for Student Success, which recently moved into a newly renovated space on the second floor of the Heterick Memorial Library.

Students stop in to the Career Closet for a variety of reasons, according to Andrea Domachowski, director of the Polar Career Center.

Ada Academic Boosters meeting, March 13

The Ada Academic Boosters will hold their March meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Media Center. 

This parent-run booster club is focused on supporting the academic portions of school life at Ada Schools.


Weekend Doctor: Preventing falls inside your home

By Lindsey Buddelmeyer, Leadership Education & Training Specialist

Falls are a common cause of injury, particularly for seniors. As we discussed in a previous column, the two primary reasons for falls are a decrease in strength and balance; and environmental factors. We previously focused on preventing falls outside your home. In this column, we will focus on preventing falls inside your home.

As we age, our balance, strength, and visual acuity naturally decline. According to the National Institute on Aging, common visual changes for older adults include struggling to see up close, difficulty with distinguishing colors, and needing additional time to adjust to changing levels of light. Certain conditions also contribute to a higher likelihood of falling. Let’s examine the inside of your home, determine if there are any unsafe spaces, and find strategies or modifications to make your home safer.

FFA Coloring Contest winners celebrated

From Ada Schools on Facebook:  [We are] excited to announce the winners of the FFA Week Coloring Contest! Congratulations to our winners! Keep up the great work, and thank you to our Ada FFA for organizing such a fun event!

Special Ada Schools board meeting focuses on building maintenance and improvements

Admin-Gym-Preschool building needs reviewed

By Paula Pyzik Scott

On Thursday, March 6, the Ada Schools Board of Education held a special meeting to review work in progress and 2-year plans for the Ag building and the building that includes the Central Office, Board Room, two Liberty Village Preschool classrooms, “86” and “Varsity/’71” gyms, and concessions area.

Superintendent Julie Simmons and Facility Maintenance Coordinator Lance Dearth made a presentation on repair work, maintenance and improvements for the two buildings.

Chamber offers Lunch & Learn "POS to positive"

The Ada Area Chamber of Commerce has announced its first lunch and learn series, from "P.O.S. to Positive" on Wednesday, March 19 at 11:30 a.m. at Buckeye East Coffee Shop.

The invitation: "Learn how to best optimize your business operations with the right Point of Sale (P.O.S.) system. Whether you're a small business owner or looking to upgrade your current system, this session will provide valuable insights on streamlining transactions, improving customer experience, and boosting efficiency.

"Enjoy lunch from Buckeye East while networking with fellow Chamber members and industry experts."

The cost for chamber members is $10, for non-members, $15. Please contact 567-204-7118 or [email protected] to register.

