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Sorry, no Sal Walker and April Shortbread concert in Ada

It was all a figment of our imagination

Turns out that Sal Walker and his band April Shortcake, currently rising in the country music charts, will not perform this summer in Ada – or for that matter, will never perform here. 

Sad to say, but the Jamie Hall story (click here to read it) about helping a stranded group of musicians on State Route 235 north of Ada was simply a figment of our imagination that occurred hours before the clock passed midnight from March 31 to April 1. 

Republicans might call it fake news. We have no idea if any Democrat even read the story.

Take a tip from the Icons and the Ohio News Media Association

Take a tip from the Icons and the Ohio News Media Association.

Bet you never gave baking cookies a second thought

A multi-discipline school assignment you can eat

Here's a multi-discipline school assignment that you can eat.

The Icon writer had a hankering for cookies and decided to see how many disciplines baking them involves. The following column demonstrates the result, wondering how public school students might use this exercise at home.

Disciplines used
Reading, writing, mathematics, geography, music appreciation, home economics, chemistry, art, critical thinking, foreign language, physical education and study hall. Perhaps there are others we’ve not considered.

A suggested summer school lesson plan

Sometimes we need a reminder to take it easy. Here's a tongue-in-cheek summer school lesson plan from the Ada Bulldogs Facebook. Don't know about you, but the Icon staff might study physics this summer, how about you?
