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Ada's latest news

The growing season

Following skimpy rainfall in June, July crops are a welcome sight to the Icon's eye. For a report on local weather, see Guy Verhoff's June observations from Pandora HERE.

2023 Pride of Ada Fireworks proves to be a blast

Photo link below

By Paula Scott

The 2023 Pride of Ada Fireworks stared down the threat of thunderstorms on Saturday, July 1 and provided an exciting display at War Memorial Stadium, as well as an evening of food and fun from 5:00-10:30 p.m.

100th anniversary of Camp Berry celebrated July 8

On Saturday July 8, Camp Berry and the Black Swamp Area Council will celebrate the 100th anniversary of Scouts camping on the banks of Eagle Creek, now known as Camp Berry. In an effort to secure a more permanent summer camp location, the local Boy Scout council leased 10 acres on Eagle Creek in 1925. In 1928, Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Berry purchased 83 acres, which include the original ten acres for the Scouts. The camp was named after the Berrys' son, R. J. Jr. who had died in a streetcar accident on South Main Street, Findlay in 1915.

The anniversary event will be held on Saturday July 8, from 2:00-7:30 p.m. as an open house with select program areas open. Current Scouts and their families, along with Camp Berry alumni, Scouting alumni and community members are invited to attend. 

The event will conclude with a dinner at 6:00 p.m. and a closing campfire at 7:00 p.m.  Registration is requested and can be made at

West Central Ohio Hay Day, July 6

HARDIN COUNTY–Join Ohio State University Extension and Channel Equipment on July 6 for the  West Central Ohio Hay Day, sponsored by the Champaign and Clark County Farm Bureaus, and  America's Trusted Insurance Group. The event will take place on the Southeast corner of South  State Route 68 and W. Dallas Road, Urbana. Otherwise, go to Channel Equipment at 338 W. Dallas Road, Urbana, and follow the signs. The day will begin at 10:00 a.m. with talks from Extension  personnel on various aspects of growing, making, storing and feeding quality hay.  

Ada Council meets on Wednesday following the 4th

The regular meeting of the Ada Council--usually scheduled on a Tuesday--will take place on Wednesday, July 5, 2023.

Council meetings are held on the second floor of the Ada Municipal Building and can be joined via Zoom at the following link:


Independence Day news schedule for Ada Icon

The Ada Icon has an Independence Day holiday publishing break on July 3-4, 2023.

Except for breaking news, content will pause at 5:00 p.m. Sunday and resume on Wednesday morning.
