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Join in the "Drummunity" drum circle on July 26

Feel the beat at the "Drummunity" drum circle this Wednesday, July 26 at War Memorial Park. Experience the power of rhythm in an interactive, fun-filled drumming session!

All are welcome to join in--kids, adults and teens.

For those participating in the library's Summer Read program, you have one more week to earn chances to win prizes. The program ends Monday, July 31, 2023

Check out more Ada Public Library programs on their calendar:

ONU's Rush serves on Congressional panel, speaks on rural healthcare

Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy was represented at a July 20, 2023 congressional panel considering federal legislation that, if approved, would impact pharmacists and patients. Michael Rush, PharmD ’05, provided input in support of HR 1770, the Equitable Community Access to Pharmacists Services Act. Impressed by the College’s burgeoning rural health care leadership within its own region, the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) asked Rush to speak at the briefing for the bipartisan Congressional Rural Caucus and Congressional Rural Health Caucus.

St. Mark Lutheran hosts July 2023 Community Meal

Over 150 meals served at June event

St. Mark Lutheran Church--at the corner of Lincoln and Johnson in Ada--
will again be hosting it's Community Meal on Wednesday, July 26 from 5-6:30 p.m. (or until they run out).

The meal is free and open to the community.

The July menu:

Tom's famous meat loaf
Scalloped potatoes
Green beans

As always, you may dine in, carry out, or drive up for curbside service.

Organizers note, "Last month over 150 meals were served. We look forward to seeing you there."

Old Route 69 Brewery shares architectural renderings

The Ada Area Chamber of Commerce on social media: "Check out these artist renderings of what Old Route 69 Brewery is going to look like! We can’t wait to watch this progress unfold. They will be located on East Buckeye Avenue in Ada.... Stay tuned for more updates."

Weekend Doctor: Asthma

By Jami Koziel, RRT, CPFT
Pulmonary Services, Blanchard Valley Health System

Asthma is a heterogeneous respiratory disease–meaning it presents in many different ways–that affects an estimated 25 million Americans, with six million being children. The financial cost of asthma exceeds $81 billion every year and despite all the resources invested, asthma is responsible for over 3,500 deaths annually in the United States. The prevalence of asthma is proven to be higher among individuals of low socioeconomic status than among those with higher socioeconomic status. 

Generally, there has been a lack of priority in the effects and differences in asthma prevalence among populations as well as the response to therapies among racial and ethnic minorities. To illustrate, African American patients respond differently to corticosteroids in contrast with White patients. One study suggests Hispanic and non-Hispanic White children exhibit better responses to increasing therapy with Long-Acting Beta Agonist (LABA), rather than higher doses of Inhaled Corticosteroids (ICS), whereas African American children were less likely to respond to adding leukotriene receptor antagonists, and more likely to respond to increasing dosing of ICS.

Beau Pitts returning to Japan as Fulbright Scholar

A third Fulbright Scholar opportunity for Ohio Northern University Professor Jonathan (Beau) Pitts, Ph.D., will soon send him to Japan, where he intends to explore the intersection of personal narrative, ordinary life as art, human longevity and pilgrimage. Cultural immersion, classroom instruction, writing and walking–lots and lots of walking–are in store for Pitts, an associate professor of English.
