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Ada's latest news

Changes daily

This scene changes every day. Here's a recent photo of the work in progress on the Ada United Methodist Church.

Identify this photo and you get an "A" for the day

Welcome to Ada’s A-B-C Summer Contest.

Each week in June and ending in the first week of July, The Icon will post two photos revealing one letter (or number) taken from Main Street Ada buildings and structures. All photos were taken in May by the Icon’s official contest photographer, Bailey Bowers. The photos cover Main from College Avenue on the south to Highland Avenue on the north.

We invite Icon viewers to keep track of the letters by identifying each letter’s location. An entry form is attached to this story for viewers to keep up to date in the contest.

Here's the latest from the Ada Kiwanis Club

President Heather Cox called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12 noon on Tuesday, June 10 at McIntosh Center, Ohio Northern University, Ada. Jon Umphress offered the invocation.

Cessna Mintutemen 4-H meet next on June 17

by Jessica Breidenbach

The Cessna Minutemen met on Tuesday, June 3rd at Walnut Grove Church.  Zack Butler led The Pledge of Allegiance and Bradley Flowers let the 4-H pledge. The secretary, Kenzie Kater, read the roll. There were 16 members and many guests present.

Zachery Collins gave a demonstration on the power of magnets.  Avery Collins gave a demonstration on money management.  Members were reminded of camp sign up, the ordering of broilers and the county 4-H fishing derby.

Ada police call log June 2-8

Michael Harnishfeger, Ada police chief, provided the Icon with the Ada police call log from June 2-8. It is in the two attachments at the bottom of this story.

The Village Voice: It’s okay to hug a tree, just please don’t hang anything on it!

We start to see signs go up all over town around this time of year. Advertisements for garage sales, local events and contractor work are some of the most common signs we see throughout the summer. Having such signs visible is great for the event, sale or contractor, especially when the signs look nice.

Locations for the signs are crucial for visibility. However, there are some places that the signs are not permitted.

Per Ordinance 741.13, titled “Posting Bills,” hanging any kind of sign on trees, fences or utility poles on public grounds of the Village is not allowed, regardless of how those signs are hung.
