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Ada's latest news

Kenton Amvets Auxiliary pork loin dinner Jan. 24

Kenton Amvets Auxiliary will hold a pork loin dinner from 5 to 7 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 24, at the post, 417 W. Espy St., Kenton.

Cost is $7 and it is open to the public.



Did you ever have a fountain drink at Ada Dairy?

What's your Ada Dairy story? Recent The Icon posted a photo of an Ada Dairy glass milk container on display in the Bluffton Public Library showcase.

Jon Umpress responded by sending two dairy advertisements from Ada High School yearbooks. One is from 1962 and the other from 1966.

Both are posted below.

Ada Dairy was located at 309 S. Main St., and it had fountain service!

The Icon welcomes other comments.

Red Cross blood drive Jan. 15 at ONU

Ada's next Red Cross blood drive is Thursday, Jan. 15, from 1:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Ohio Northern University McIntosh Center Activities Room, 525 S. Main St.

Lima YMCA and ONU health screening Jan. 24

The Lima Family YMCA is partnering with Activate Allen County and Ohio Northern University to offer help adults find out if they are at risk for developing type II diabetes.

A free fasting glucose screenings will be offered between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Saturday,  Jan. 24, at the Lima YMCA located at 345 S. Elizabeth St.  

The screening is free and open to the first 100 individuals who register for the event. This is a fasting screening so participants must fast for 12 hours before the screening. To register or if you have any additional questions, call 419-221-5035 today.

Emergency Readiness with the Red Cross

Join us at the Ada Library on Thursday, January 22nd at 6p.m. to learn a little bit about how to be prepared for emergency situations. Folks will learn how to make an Emergency Preparedness Kit in this class, taught by a representative of the American Red Cross.

Program is FREE!


Ada police log

January 5
-          Traffic stop Warning for Equipment & Curfew Violation
-          Traffic stop Warning for Speed & Equipment
-          Assist EMS on W Lima Ave
-          Handled Parking Complaint on S Simon St

January 6
-          Traffic stop Warning for Marked Lanes
-          Handled Animal Complaint on Franklin, Report taken for Nuisance Dog
-          Handled Domestic Trouble Complaint on W Buckeye Ave
-          Assist Other Agency
