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Iconic Bakery: It's apple crisp season

Here’s an easy and quick recipe from the Ada sesquicentennial cookbook from 2002. It’s just in time for all those apples you don’t know what to do with.

Apple Crisp
Recipe from Marie Snyder

5-6 apples, peeled, cored and coarsely chopped
1 cup sugar
1 cup minute oats
1/3 cup flower
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 stick butter

Chop apples and place in deep pie pan. Mix dry ingredients and pour over apples. Cut up butter and dot over apples.

Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes or until bubbly.

Serve with or without milk or half and half.

Swimming on your mark from 2001-02

Yes, Ada HS has a swim team in 2001-02. Here it is. Recognize anyone? Click on image to read the names of the team members.

Ada Marching Band third at Piqua competition

It was a day of thirds as the Ada High School Marching Band competed in their 3rd competition on Oct. 17 at the Piqua Band Invitational.  

Ada High School’s Pac-Man-themed competition show placed 3rd overall out of 11 bands competing in the combined Class B (301-500 students) and C (less than 300 students) grouping. 

The color guard received individual 3rd place recognition as well. 

Autumn on campus

This is a gold medal year for fall colors in Ada. Trevor Jones, ONU Office of Communications and Marketing photographer, took this photo on campus earlier this week. Watch the Icon for more autumn scenes of ONU later this week.

Owlsburg (and Van's) fans - here's an update the project at SR 235 and Lincoln Highway

Monty Siekerman photo and story

That's David "Rico" Rodriguez waving from the cupola of Van's Corner at State Route 235 and Old Route 30 located north of Ada.

He's showing all Icon readers the major work that has been done on the building in recent weeks to turn the structure into a family restaurant called Cherico's.

Several historical parts of the building have been retained, such as the pine floor and cupola.

The photo shows an expanded dining area with the roofline extended on three sides for open air-dining.

In addition, the second floor will be turned into an eating area.

More on "Maps and Art" - by Jimmy Wilson

Note: This story accompanies the story titled "Maps as Art," by Monty Siekerman.

By Jimmy Wilson
I was the lowest level employee in the mapping section of the Louisiana Department of Transportation. The manager in the geospatial section asked me Saturday if I would mind coming into the headquarters to monitor Hurricane Katrina as it came ashore in the Florida panhandle, which at the time us what everyone believed would happen.

I essentially lived in the LaDOTD headquarters for the next three weeks.
