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Beta Alpha Psi accepts new organization pledges and inductees

Ohio Northern University’s chapter of Beta Alpha Psi accepted new organization pledges and inductees into its chapter during a ceremony on Jan. 28. In addition, the chapter inducted ONU alumna Joanne Lipski as an honorary member.

Lovett Distinguished Lecture Series to focus on Identify Your Strengths"

Ohio Northern University’s Dicke College of Business Administration will present “Transformational Leadership: How to Identify Your Strengths,” a lecture by Sheri Stoltenberg, as part of the Carroll V. Lovett Distinguished Lecture Series in the Dicke Forum on Wednesday, March 23, at 7 p.m.

Stoltenberg is the founder and CEO of Stoltenberg Consulting Inc., a health care IT consulting firm that has helped more than 250 health care organizations across the country implement, manage and better utilize information and business systems.

University hosts Ohio Pharmacy Residency Conference in May >

The Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy will host the fourth annual Ohio Pharmacy Residency Conference (OPRC) on Friday, May 13.

Want to have a successful party? Invite a pigeon!

Photos and story by Monty Siekerman

If you ever want to have a successful party for young children, throw a Pigeon Party That's exactly what the Ada Public Library did Friday afternoon.

In this photo, youngsters listen to Natalie Walton read one of Mo Willems' books. The kids found out why pigeons don't drive busses.

At the party, the children enjoyed crafts, games, a treasure hunt, and snacks. The smiles on the youngsters' faces proved the party's success.

Orange pigeons - John's favorites

John Spiese, 3, colors a pigeon. He likes orange pigeons. He participated in the activity held at the Ada Public Library. See the story below for more detail. (Monty Siekerman photo)

ONU athletes have "solid runs" on first day at DIII nationals

By Tim Glon

Ohio Northern junior Allie Gast and sophomores Matt Molinaro and Emily Richards had solid runs on the first day of the NCAA Division III Men's and Women's Indoor track & Field Championships on Friday afternoon at the Bear Recreation and Athletic Center.

Gast entered the meet seeded 17th of 17 runners in the 60 hurdles and finished 15th overall. She ran at :08.97 in her preliminary heat, which was just .05 of a second off her career-best time in the event.

Molinaro rallied on the home stretch for a second place finish in his heat, finishing in 1:54.58. He will be seeded third in the finals on Saturday at 3:45 pm (CST).
