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Ada Kiwanis plays role in Ohio Kiwanis First Family Project

"Many hands make great things possible."

In a joint venture, Ada Kiwanis, Hardin Pioneer Aktion Club, Simon Kenton school staff and members of Harco Industries were able to make one little girl very happy as school came to a close this year.

This is an Ohio Kiwanis First Family Project that includes Aktion Club to donate a customized bike for an child with physical limitations.

The primary goal is to promote independence by providing therapeutic tricycles. With the help of Simon Kenton School staff and members of Harco Industries, the bike was presented to Mary Kraft who was thrilled to have given the opportunity for some independence.

"Chairs" is a winner

Ohio Northern University photographer Trevor Jones won first place in the general features and illustrations category of the May University Photographers Association of America monthly image contest with this photo. His photograph "Chairs" was taken at Honor's Day this year and features fifth-year pharmacy student Shannon Kraus walking among the empty chairs before the convocation ceremony.

Riley Creek Baptist VBS June 12-15

Riley Creek Baptist Church will hold its Vacation Bible School later this month.

Ocean Commotion, Diving into Noah's Flood, takes place fom 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. nightly from Sunday to Wednesday, June 12-15 at the church, 4950 Township Road 27, Bluffton.

The VBS is for youth ages 2 through sixth grade. For questions call the church between 9 a.m. and 4 p .m. at 419-326-6361.

The Cadets are back!

By Monty Siekerman
They're back!

The Cadets drum and bugle corps arrived at 11 p.m. Sunday night, debarking from three gigantic buses at Founders and Maglott Halls where they will reside as they rehearse for their performances from coast to coast this summer.

The Cadets, from Allentown, Pa., include 150 performing artists and have a support staff of about 30 people.

It will be music in the air in Ada with rehearsals starting at 9 a.m., seven days a week, until about 10 p.m. each night. 

This is their second year at ONU.

"Awakening" is this year's theme.

Ada students among Aktion Club scholar winners

Hardin Pioneer Aktion Club recently presented five $250 scholarships  to five Hardin County students. 

The Aktion Club started this scholarship five years ago to help youth further their education. 

Applicants write an essay on how would they make a life better for a person who has disabilities. The scholarship committee reviewed all applicants and selected these winners. 

This is the first year that the club has had five scholarships due to their successful fundraisers.

17-day Ada stay for Cadets

It looked like a circus arrived in town Sunday night with three busses and assorted trucks and trailers.

The Cadets drum and bugle corps are here for the second year to prepare their show for audiences across the U.S.

No, those debarking the buses are not refugees but are highly-selected performers carrying their personal belongings into ONU residence halls for their 17-day stay in Ada. (Monty Siekerman photo)
